Monday, January 17, 2011

Pretend Pregnancy

By the end of my pregnancy with Mason, Makayla was pregnant, too.  She would rub her belly, talk about her baby, and cover her belly up with a washcloth in the bathtub to cover her baby up with a blankie. 

Like mother, like daughter.  Makayla wanted a baby in her belly because mommy had a baby in her belly. 

Once I had Mason, Makayla was done being pregnant.

Well...last weekend, we went to a baby shower for my cousin and ever since this baby shower, Makayla has been pregnant...again.  She walks (or waddles) around the house rubbing her belly talking about her baby.  Sometimes when I hug her, I have to be careful that I don't squeeze or scare her baby.  She talks about going to the hospital to have her baby.  She's very into having this baby in her belly. 

Last night, Makayla was playing "doctor" with her cousin Kyleigh.  Kyleigh was the doctor and wanted to help Makayla "borned" her baby.  The girls were on the couch and Kyleigh pulled a baby doll out from behind Makayla's back and we made a big deal about Makayla's baby.  I thought maybe that would be the end of Makayla's imaginary pregnancy. 

This is day 3 and Makayla woke up this morning still talking about her baby.  She even took a princess blanket to daycare with her this morning for her baby. 

Makayla's imagination is very good and we have had A LOT of laughs these past few days, but I'm hoping that she'll be able to move on from this pretend pregnancy soon. She's so serious and real about the whole thing, it's starting to make me nervous...

1 comment:

  1. Remember, the more vivid a child's imagination is, the more intelligent they are:)
