Friday, January 21, 2011

Making Tents

Thank you Makayla for making me laugh. 

Not a day goes by that my daughter doesn't overwhelm me with her intelligence, amaze me with her imagination, or provide me smiles and laughter.

If Makayla has been upstairs playing and it has been dead silent for a few minutes, I know that something  has a strong  hold of her attention. I'll always call up to her and ask her what she is doing.  She usually responds with "noooothing", which that answer never fails to make me grin.  Tonight, after a few minutes of silence, I yelled up to her and asked her what she was doing.  This time she responded with "making tents".  I snuck upstairs to watch her make tents and this is what I found...

Now, seriously...
She really was making tents!!

It's things like this that I love about my daughter.  I know that everybody with a little kid gets to experience things like this, but I still feel lucky.  I feel so lucky that I get to be Makayla's and Mason's mom.  I feel so lucky that I get to go upstairs to my bathroom and find panty-liner tents. 


  1. In all honesty, it is Makayla and Mason that are the lucky ones to have parents such as you and Kevin. There are many parents that would've overreacted that it was panty liners, or flipped out that she was in the cabinets, etc., etc. Instead, you appreciate her creativity and let her learn and grow. She will thank you for it:)
