Sunday, March 27, 2011

It's Not Just A Hockey Game

We are always looking for places to go and people to see. 

This weekend we went to a Riverman hockey game and we were lucky enough to be joined by a few good friends.  We  had a great time and Makayla loved every single minute of the game.  In fact, the first words that came out of her mouth this morning were "Daddy, I wanna go to a new hockey game".  Knowing that she enjoyed herself so much makes me so happy.  While Makayla danced, cheered, went potty 65-70 times, and ate (chips, hotdog, animal crackers, cheez-its, popcorn, laffy taffy, and sprite), Mason sat on my lap like the good happy baby he is and soaked up everything around him.  They were so good. 

So, when I say that it's not just a hockey game - it's sooo much more than that.  Ever since Makayla was born, we've exposed her to as many people, places, and events that we possibly can.  We're doing the same with Mason.  Sometimes, it is hard and challenging - I'm not going to lie.  There are times when kids don't want to listen or they've decided that they are going to act as bad as they possibly can...It can be hard, frustrating, stressful, and completely exhausting.  Even if the kids are being good and listening, it can still be stressful and exhausting
It's worth it.  I know they won't remember out outings and trips right now.  I know that they are too young to remember all the places we take them and the details of our outings, but they are learning so much.  They learn obedience, respect, culture, and manners.  They learn how to engage and interact with all different type of people.  They get to see that all the good things in this world can outweight the bad. 
They get to experience so much and while they are busy 'experiencing',  they are also busy 'learning' all about life. 
You have brains in your head.
You have feet in your shoes
You can steer yourself
any direction you choose.
You're on your own.  And you know what you know.
And YOU are the guy who'll decide where to go.
-Dr. Seuss

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