Thursday, February 17, 2011

A Little Bit More

Today, Mason is 5 months old.


I can't tell you the funny things that Mason says and I can't talk about his extreme imagination (unlike big sister, Makayla), but what I can share with you is how he means the world to me. 

He blows lots of bubbles and drools non-stop. 
His favorite thing to do is smile. 
He likes to talk and loves it when somebody talks back to him.   
He loves to drink milk and doesn't enjoy eating cereal or bananas as much as I thought he would. 
He shows so much expression with his eyes and is definitely developing 'who he is'.
He is a laid back baby and easily goes with the flow.
He is smart, loves to cuddle, and is the best baby boy ever!

My lips can't wait to kiss him at the end of the work day. 
He is simply the best.

When Mason is laying in my arms, I can't help but get lost in his gorgeous blue eyes.  I hold his tiny fingers in my hand and can't help but think of the day that my hand will swim in his.  I caress his baby cheeks and can't help but think of the day that he'll be a man with facial hair.  My heart almost bursts when we're sitting quietly in the chair and his little hand is moving all over my face, learning every detail of my face, and he 'talks' to me - like he is saying something so important.  
We look at each other and know how deep our love is for one another. 
I embrace today with him.  I soak up every bit of him now.

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