Thursday, April 18, 2013

Jar O' Marbles

We are trying something new in our house -
Positive reinforcement with a marble jar.

Makayla and Mason each got a jar that they decorated with paint, stickers, and jewels.
These jars are very special and every time the kids do something good or kind without being prompted, they get to put a marble in their jar. 
If they have good behavior or remember their manners, they get to put a marble in their jar.
If they do a chore without being reminded, they get a marble.
Some ways they have earned their marbles so far:
eating all of their food at meal time
sharing a special treat with someone
picking up their rooms
brushing their teeth
wearing a helmet while riding a bike
putting dirty dishes in the sink
putting their clean laundry away
folding laundry

Bigger marbles are earned by doing something "extra" special.

Once their jar is filled up (or filled to the line), they get a prize!

So far, this is working like a charm...especially for Makayla! 

Here are how marbles are earned according to the kids:

Mom:  What are some things you can do to earn marbles?
Makayla:  'Cause I been good.  If I do something good.
Mom:  Like what?
Makayla:  Like helping mommy do stuff.  Or when I eat all my dinner.  I get to put a  marble in my jar.
Mommy:  Mason, if you do something to make mommy very happy, you get to put a marble in your jar.  What are some things that make mommy very happy?
Mason:  'Cause.
Mommy:  Tell mommy what you can do to get a marble in your jar.
Mason:  Eat all my chicken.
Mommy:  What else can you do to get a marble in your jar?
Mason:  Eat all my fish.
Mason must like the white marbles...and by golly he must know how happy it makes me when he cleans his plate!

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