Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Bye-Bye April

It's the last day of April and I haven't gotten one single chore accomplished today except getting my bed sheets washed and making carrots for Mia.

It's 84 degrees today.
Slight breeze.

There are dishes in the sink.
The living room is filled with toys - trucks, books, baby dolls, balls, rattles.
The clothes hamper is full.
The floors could be swept.  The garbage could be emptied.  The toilets could be scrubbed.

it's 84 degrees today.
The sun is shining.
There is a slight breeze.
It is beautiful.

So, this morning, we grabbed our buckets, filled our cups with kool-aid, and headed outside.

I made a mud hole for the kids (daddy will love that eye sore in the yard) where they could dig for worms, make ponds, make mud pies, get dirty, and play 'til they could play no more...
I should have counted how many times I heard the words "poop" and "diarrhea"... 
My Mud Monsters!

When they were all done playing, they were sprayed off with the hose.  They loved getting clean in the hose as much as they loved getting dirty in the mud!


Not only are we wrapping up the month of April in the mud, but also on stage.
Makayla's church choir had their end of the year performance last night -
"Creation Sensation - How the world really began...according to God".

Makayla is in the front row with the green dress on and her cousin Kyleigh is in the back row 3rd from the left with the blue top on.  The girls were really excited to sing together this year!

...my beautiful little girls!!...while my handsome little boy is off to the side being a boy, playing in the rocks and mulch!

Now...while the kiddos are napping, I'm going to continue enjoying this last day of April relaxing in the sun...with my eyes closed!
...the things you miss when you have kids - relaxing with your eyes closed in the warm sun.

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