Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Hang On!

"My tenacious little Kirby managed to hang on and maintain suction throughout the entire episode, though he must have felt like he was nursing on the high seas. His little head bobbed up and down, and he briefly opened one eye to look around, but he never let that nipple go. The bad news is that my nipple is now half an inch longer. The good news is that if this keeps up I'll soon be able to leave Kirby on the sofa with my nipple and it will stretch far enough for me to reach all the rooms in the house." Having Three Kids 

Now, replace "Kirby" with "Mia" and that's exactly how I feel...and probably exactly how Mia feels!!  My poor baby girl rarely gets to nurse in peace.  Throughout our hectic days, Mia and I have gotten really good at working together as a team.  I can go on my merry way of taking care of the other two kiddos and she can go on her merry way of filling her belly.  She may open her eyes briefly to check out what's going on, but there's not too much that's going to stop her from sucking.  I could probably do a work out routine  with jumping jacks and she'd still hang on. ...That's how good she is!  Thank goodness!

There is so much going on this week as I finish up my last week of maternity leave!  I, of course, had a huge long list of "Things To Get Done While On Maternity Leave".  Did I get any of it done?!  Eh, I think two things - Making a budget for 2013 and Updating Baby Books (and that one is only half way done).  Who was I kidding?  What made me think I was going to have time to accomplish the things on my list when I have three  kids, one being a newborn, to take care of every day all day long?  Ha!  I do work better under pressure, though - "nothing makes a person more productive than the last minute" - that's me!  So, I am going to be spending the next couple of days marking things off of my to-do list, preparing to head back to work, and trying to get into a new routine (Mia better get on board with me for this one).  When I come back, I'll have a lot to write about - birthday parties galore, why being a working mom works for me, and how we're adjusting to "real life" with mommy working and the kids going back to daycare.

1 comment:

  1. I remember one time I was nursing Owen while sitting in my chair talking on the phone. My dog scratched on the door so I got up and let her out. On the way back to the chair I stopped and picked something up off the floor. Owen never stopped nursing and I never got off the phone. It didn't even seem hard or weird. Don't all Mom's do that? I guess you do.
