Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Month Two

From one month... two months! 

Oh my, little girl!
You are so beautiful!
...and because I still haven't returned back to work, I get to spend the majority of my days staring at you...and kissing you...and soaking in all of your beauty!
You've been very busy this past month growing and learning and becoming your own person.

You LOVE to kick your legs.  Your little legs go non-stop!  We got you a piano to put at your feet so when you are kicking, you can make music.  It's wonderful!...and although you don't know this, but while you're busy running and making music, you're learning cause and effect!

You smile at your mama all of the time!  I can make you smile whenever I want...and I love that!  Your smile makes me feel soooo good.

You are sleeping a little bit more through the night.  You've gotten on a pretty good routine with going to bed around 10ish, waking up to eat around 3ish, and then waking up again around 6ish.  You'll fall back asleep and wake for the day anywhere between 8-9.

Since Makayla has been singing "This Little Light Of Mine" to you since the day you were born, you've grown to love that song.  She's started singing a new song to you, which you seem to love just as much, a song that makes you smile every time you hear it - "Old MacDonald Had A Farm"!

You are pretty good at tummy time.  You're not very tolerant of it, but you're good at it.  You can lift your head up to look at whoever is playing on the floor with you and you can turn your head from side to side.  After about five minutes of exercising on your tummy, though, you are done.   

You are beginning to talk to us.  We go back and forth with us talking and asking you questions and you responding back with noises, coos, and cute little squeals.  Sometimes mommy imitates you with your sounds and daddy just looks at me like I'm crazy...! 

You have the most gorgeous eyes!!  - the shape of your eyes, your eyelashes, the color of your eyes - they are just so beautiful and full of emotion and expression.

Watching you grow over the past month has been a joy!  I am so lucky that you are mine - that I get to love you, hold you, take care of you, teach you...just be with you - every single day.  I love you, Mia Grace!

"If one feels the need of something grand, something infinite, something that makes one feel aware of God, one need not go far to find it.  I think that I see something deeper, more infinite, more eternal than the ocean in the expression of the eyes of a little baby when it wakes in the morning and coos or laughs because it sees the sun shining on its cradle." - Vincent van Gogh

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