Friday, April 15, 2011

Five Fun Facts In Life Right Now

So, I learned this week that Makayla weighs 23 pounds.  She is in the 1% of weight with kids her age.  Somebody's gotta be there, right?!  I learned of her weight while we were visiting the doctor due to daily complaints for 3 months about Makayla's belly hurting at her belly button for about a minute each day.  I've been struggling to figure out if this is a 'real' pain or not, and if it is - what's causing it?  Does she have to go potty?  Is it gas?  Is it reflux?  What is it?  She doesn't have any other symptoms, so for this week, we are going to keep a food diary.  We'll go from there.  Who knows - Makayla made a comment that the doctor made her belly all better, so maybe the 'pain' is gone.  We'll see!

Makayla loves to go Potty in Public.  I actually think that it's one of her favorite things to do - Potty in Public.  Last night, we were heading out to Wal-Mart and I asked Makayla if she needed to go potty before we left.  She responded with "No, Wal-Mart has potties".  Aaaah, she makes me laugh.  She is so funny!...and amazes me with the things that she says.

Sometimes, Mason gets to babbling so loud and so hard.  It sounds like he has a passion for what he's preachin'.  There's one sound that he verbalizes frequently and one time I asked Makayla what he was saying.  She quickly responded with "Sponge Bob" - like as 'you seriously don't know what he's saying?'...Now - all I hear when Mason gets going is "Sponge Bob, Sponge Bob, Sponge Bob" over and over again.  It puts a smile on my face.

With each passing day, Makayla and Mason develop a stronger and stronger relationship with each other.  She loves to get down in his face and talk 'baby talk' and emphasize her words and expressions with him, being very dramatic.  She loves to cuddle him and hug him.  Tonight, as a storm was passing through - Mason was bawling.  He was bawling because he was hungry.  Makayla didn't know that though, and thought he was crying because of the thunder.  She came over to him as I was getting his jammies on and kissed him and said "It's okay, buddy.  It's only thunder".  Then she stood up and yelled at the windows "Go Away Thunder!  Go Away".  It melted my heart. 

Mason hates his puffs.  Well, actually I can't tell if he hates them or if he is just taking a reeeaaally long time to get use to the texture.  When I put one in his mouth, he gets the most disgusted look on his face, and then begins blowing bubbles, spitting, sticking his tongue out - doing whatever he can to get that puff out of his mouth.  It is so entertaining and I can't help myself but tofeed the poor boy puffs every night.  He makes me laugh so hard.  I will definitely post a picture of his reaction to a puff in his mouth.  He's hilarious!

This is after the first puff.  Blowing bubbles, spitting, watery eyes...

This is me trying to give him a second puff...He doesn't want it.  Don't worry - I didn't force it on him.  He won and didn't have to eat a second just for my enjoyment. 

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