Saturday, December 1, 2012

Catch Up

November Catch Up!!

So, now that it is December 1st and we're on a countdown to Christmas, I need to wrap up the very exciting month of November!

I hope as time goes on, I can get back in the swing of things and regularly stay updated instead of quickly throwing two weeks worth of life into one quick post.  There is so much stuff that goes on in our life and I don't want to keep anything out - especially the things that my kids will find funny, interesting, memorable, and worth the reading when they grow up.

Stuff like this:  
The other night I took Makayla to Wal-Mart and we were in the produce section.  She looked at me and asked if black people have parties.  I told her of course black people have parties.  She then sat down in the cart, giggled, and said "I'm so obsessed with black people".

Or this...

We were sitting in the car downtown the other night getting ready to walk out to the street for the Christmas parade. She asked "Are there going to be police...(putting her hand up) I mean the parade?"  I told her that there were going to be cops in the parade and asked her why she called them cops instead of police.  She said "because that's their middle name!".

So...trying to put forth more effort in not getting so behind, let's get started on a quick November Catch Up!

Happy Thanksgiving!!
Thanksgiving was an unusually warm day.  We ate lunch with Grandma and Grandpa Allen, Aunt Nina, Great Grandma Allen, and Uncle Gary.  After lunch, the big kids went outside to ride the 4-wheeler, fly kites, take wagon rides, play with chalk, play ball - run around in the fresh air!  How often can you do that at the end of November?!
...and while the big kids were outside playing, Mia and I stayed inside to enjoy each other's company.  We stared in each other's eyes, took pictures, and I told her how pretty she was! :)
...after lunch, we headed over to Grandma and Grandpa Curry's house for Thanksgiving dinner!  We definitely got our fill of all the Thanksgiving fixings!


We had our annual "Black Friday/Thanksgiving" dinner with Grandma and Grandpa Allen and Aunt Nina at Osaka!...mommy's favorite place and I think Mason's favorite place, too!

Mason LOVES it when they throw that huge, hot fire on the grill!  After the heat simmers down a bit, he works really hard on blowing the fire out.  Of course, when the fire does burn out, we applaud him and he smiles so big because he thinks he blew the fire out.

...Makayla being silly with Grandma and Aunt Nina.


November was also filled with some quality cousin time! -

We got to see and spend time with Tyler and Brennan and although the kids don't get to see each other very often, you would never guess that based up on watching them play and listening to them talk.
We spent a lot of time playing together at Grandma Curry's and then hit the bowling alley up for some bowling!

For months, Mason has been saying "Baby Out Bowl!"...meaning that when baby Mia came out, we would got bowling.  Well, Mason finally got to go bowling!  Not only did we get to bowl with Tyler and Brennan, but Shawn and Holly were there, too.  Makayla and Mason had a blast!  Even with Mason's "accident", he didn't let that stop him.

Before the game even started, Mason dropped his bowling ball.  As he bent down to get it, it bounced up and hit him in the mouth, causing his teeth to pierce all the way through his bottom lip!  Ugh.  Talk about my tummy turning.  There was blood everywhere and I knew for sure that he knocked his teeth out.  Thankfully, that wasn't the case and he just had a major boo-boo on his lip.  Poor baby. 

...but with a smile on his face and a mouthful of pretzel, he didn't let that bowling ball and busted lip stop him from having fun!


Besides Thanksgiving, spending time with family and friends, having fun, going to the Christmas parade, and running around...we've just been enjoying and loving on our new baby girl!!

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