Thursday, May 17, 2012

My Tears And Mason

Have you ever loved something so much it made you cry?
...Mason's laugh.
It had me crying.

The other night, I was rocking him in the darkness of his room (because I can still do that) and we were both loving it.  I dipped my head down to kiss his hand and out of the quietness of his room, he let out a quick belly laugh.  I whispered "I love you, Mason".

A minute later he reached his hand up and rubbed his fingertips along my lips, and again, he let out a giggle.  This game kept going on for about five minutes - from the soft sweep of his fingertips along my lips to his sweet, sweet laugh filling his room.

Mason and I holding each other, rocking in his rocking chair.  Just me and him, in the dark.
I couldn't help but let the tears fall.

His laugh.  I would die if I didn't have his laugh. 
Without my children's laughter, my heart would die.


And when I'm not busy rocking my baby in the dark (crying like a mother),  I'm admiring his little boy actions and LOVING the discovery of the type of person he is becoming.  He is growing more and more into his own person every day.

  • Mason loves gum and popcorn.  He chews gum like a champ and devours popcorn like he hasn't eaten in days.  The child scares me to death.  
  • He loves to repeat his sister!  Almost anything he can do that she does, he will.  He loves to apply lipstick, turn in circles, and repeat her words.  The other day, she was walking around the house practing the word "yellow".  She kept saying "Lello" and trailing behind her was a little voice saying "lello, lello, lello".  And just as Makayla says "bum" for "gum", so does Mason.
  • But as much as he likes to repeat and follow in the footsteps of his big sis, he is also becoming more and more independent.  He loves to walk the stairs upright like a grown man.  I rarely let him do this and beg him to crawl up the stairs, and most of the time he just laughs me off and continues walking right on up the stairs.  Along with his independence is trying to take off his own shoes and trying to climb in and out of the bathtub without any help.  Like I said, the child scares me to death.
Mason is an an amazing little boy.
He's handsome, smart, and full of laughter.  He loves to be tickled and trucks are his favorite toys.  I love him to pieces and cannot kiss him enough!

It's a joy watching Mason and Makayla grow and I can't wait to have their baby brother or sister join them in the journey of this life!

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