Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Play List

If Makayla made a CD of her favorite songs, what would be on it?

Makayla's music playlist:

1. Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star
          This is the very first song she knew.  She loves this song and the other night as we were on our way home from out of town, she was looking out her window up at the stars singing Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.  It was so cute to hear her sweet soft voice singing to the stars.   I think she's going to take after me and have a love for stargazing.

2. Dynamite
           This song is my ringtone and almost every time my phone rings, she'll sing right along with it. 

3. Baby (Justin Bieber)
           Thanks to Makayla's 5 year old cousin, Kyleigh, Makayla has a new found obsession with Justin Bieber...and the poor girl is so confused by him.  If you ask her who Justin Bieber is, she says that he is Ky's boyfriend.  He's not a singer, a star, or a teenage heart throb...but he's Kyleigh's boyfriend.  And, everytime we turn this song on, Makayla will whisper "Don't tell Ky"...!

4. Bad Romance
          A Lady GaGa song!  Every time the song sings -

      - She will literally headbang against her carseat.

5. Happy Birthday
          Hands down - a song that makes her radiate.

6. Spongebob Square Pants theme song
          Who lives in a pineapple under the sea? Spongebob Squarepants!
         Absorbent and yellow and porous is he. Spongebob Squarepants!

What is it about this song that makes kids go crazy?!

7. ABC's
This is one of the 'proud parent' songs.  She knows how excited it made mommy and daddy when she first learned this song 1.5 years ago, so I think she sings it just to get praise and smiles from us...and that's okay!

8. Shoo Fly, Don't Bother Me
It's a silly song I sing to her, that I remember my mom singing to me and playing on the piano when I was a little.  It goes a little something like this...
Shoo, fly, don't bother me,
Shoo, fly, don't bother me,
Shoo, fly, don't bother me,
For I belong to somebody.
I feel, I feel,
I feel like a morning star,
I feel, I feel,
I feel like a morning star.

When I look it up on Wikipedia, it says that the song was most likely written in 1869.
It remained popular over the decades, and was commonly sung by soldiers during the Spanish-American War of 1898, when flies and the yellow fever mosquito were a serious enemy.

9. Sweet Caroline
          For those of you who haven't been able to hear Makayla sing Sweet Caroline, you can watch this video.  She's singing it in her "funny" voice and thinks that she is SOoooo funny! 
*Reminder - stop the blog music at the bottom of the page before you play this video.

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