Tuesday, June 21, 2011

1, 2, 3...!

1, 2, 3...!

It's only Tuesday, but we've already done three exciting things this week.

1.  Swim Lessons
 Makayla is in the "Mommy and Me" class, but now it's called the "Mommy and Daddy and Me" class.  I do not like cold water and I knew I wouldn't be very instrumental in teaching Makayla how to swim this early on in summer.  There haven't been enough scorching hot days to make the water warm enough for me! I'd be clenched up in an ice cold ball!  Kevin gets in the water with her for the class and I sit on the edge with Mason and a video camera.  Yep - I'm the dorky mom, but I definitely want lots of pictures and videos of my kids so that they have something to look back on as they grow up.  We cheer her on and clap when she does something new and exciting.  Last night was her first night in class and her Grandma and Grandpa Allen came to cheer her on, encourage her, and bring her bravery and confidence.  So far, she's done really well and I think it's going to be a great two weeks.  Look forward to an update in two weeks when her classes are done to find out all of the great things she has learned!
~I love watching her learn~

2.  Time spent with Tyler

Makayla got to see her cousin Tyler this week!  They haven't seen each other since Christmas and they had a great time playing together.  They played together as if they have been friends forever.  They bounced on balls, looked at Makayla's new baby frog, and ate popsicles together.  It definitely put a smile on my face to be able to watch them play together and spend time together, even if it was for just a little bit.

3.  Horse Races

 It's becoming a tradition!  At the beginning of summer, on a Tuesday, we'll spend an afternoon at the race track with grandma and grandpa.  Last year, Makayla LOVED the horse races!  She cheered them on like she was going to win a million dollars for being the biggest, loudest, best cheerleader at the track. 
 Here are two pictures from last year:

This year was a different story:

She was "into" the races and concentrated so hard on the horses and their running.  She was very serious this year and maybe cracked a little smile just once.
Makayla is excited about her winning ticket!
And Mason is excited to just be sitting in his diaper!

 So, three exciting things in two days!!  The start of swim lessons, seeing family that we don't get to see enough, and going to the horse races!!

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