Sunday, June 9, 2013

Mia Is 7 Months Old

Mia Grace! 
Oh, my.
You are 7 months old today!
7 months!

7 months ago, we began this beautiful journey.
7  months ago, you completed us - our family.

I thank God for you (and your brother and sister) a million times a day.

I swear, there are some days that your smile never leaves your face. 

You have the fastest growing fingernails EVER.  It's freaky.

 Your brother always calls you by your first and middle name - Mia Grace...but the other morning, when I brought you downstairs, he looked up at you and said "Good morning, Princess!!".
*melt my heart*
He is your protector and loves you beyond measure.

Your sister is your second mother.  It excites her to be able to feed you, change your diaper, dress you, to calm be a part of every single part of your life. She calls you  "baby girl" and holding you might be one of her very favorite things to do.
She is your big sissy and loves you beyond measure.

You are growing oh so quickly -
You reach your arms out for the person you want, you are drinking from a sippy cup, and you are babbling more and more.  You are developing quite the personality - full of giggles and awesome facial expressions.   You amaze me, Mia, and while these past 7 months have gone by in the blink of an eye, I have gotten really really good at savoring the days with you and Makayla and Mason. in the here and now.
...soaking every bit of you guys up.

I love you, Mia.
Happy 7 months!!


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