Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Baby's Cells

Your Baby's Cells Stay In You For Life

During pregnancy, cells sneak across the placenta. The fetus's cells enter the mother and the mother's cells enter the baby --and stay there for life. In mothers, fetal cells often take residence in her lungs, spinal cord, skin, thyroid gland, liver, intestine, cervix, gallbladder, spleen, lymph nodes, and blood vessels. The baby's cells may also live a lifetime in Mom's heart and brain. 
-Sheryl Feldman

Here's a picture of our pretty little girl!
We tried to get a 3D/4D picture of her this morning, but her little arms and legs wouldn't leave her face long enough to get a picture.
I was amazed at watching hers eye open and close, open and close, open and close...
and her mouth kept opening and closing - she was either busy sucking and tasting or telling us a story...
and she kept sticking her little tongue out at us.
Her bladder was full and her heart rate was 132 beats per minute.
She's measuring in at around 2.5 pounds.

Mmmmmm - I can't wait to meet her!

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