Saturday, March 17, 2012

Mid March

Is it strange that it is mid March and
the flowers and trees are bloomed;
for the past week, we've enjoyed our dinners outside;
there are bugs and gnats flying all around;
the smell of mowed grass is EVERYWHERE;
my windshield is filled with splattered bugs;
and I am freezing when the temps dip below 68 degrees?

It might be strange,
BUT we're LOVING every second of it!

Usually on the weekends when daddy is gone, Makayla and I will pop some popcorn, pour ourselves a little cup of coke, crawl in my bed, and watch movies.  It's our thing.  We giggle about it and look forward to it.
Well, daddy is gone tonight DJing a wedding.
After dinner tonight, Makayla got really excited and asked if we could...
"You wanna pop some popcorn, drink soda, and read the Bible tonight?!"


So...tonight we're going to pop popcorn, pour ourselves a little soda, and read the Bible before we watch our movies. 
Oh, she never seizes to amaze me...and while she's busy gathering her Bibles, applying grandma's deep red lipstick on her lips while she chomps her gum, and learning to write her letters -
Mason's busy amazing me, too.

I have a kissy smoochy little man on my hands.  Mason IS a kisser!  He loves to kiss and he loves to be kissed!  He melts my heart every single time he puckers up and reaches out. 
His new word is "Diego".  He loves to watch Diego on tv and he loves to eat Diego yogurt.
Balls are still his favorite toys.  The boy was built to play with balls - throw balls, chase balls, kick balls, and we're still working on catching balls.
He loves to pick up his toys and drop throw them in the baskets and tubs and he loves to throw things away.  He sometimes is a very good cleaning machine.
He often times says "poop" and darts towards the bathroom.  We run to the bathroom, set him on his potty seat (which has Elmo on it), and he'll start singing the Elmo Song - La, Laaa, La, La...La, Laaa, La, La...and he neeever poops. 
Sitting on the potty, though, is one of three things that make him feel like a Big Boy.  When he sits on that potty, his chest puffs out, and looks around the room like he's King Tut.  The two other things that make him feel like a big boy are throwing things away that I hand him and ask him to throw away and handing me my razor every time he gets in the bathtub.  He knows the razor is a no-no and that it is dangerous, so when he hands it to me, he'll smile and wait for me to praise him.

My kids are ever growing and ever changing. 
I love what they have brought to my life.

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