Thursday, February 2, 2012


Makayla and Mason have always had our old cell phones to play with and have as their own. 
It never dawned on us that an old cell phone that doesn't have a simcard would still be able to call 9-1-1. 
The other night, Makayla was "texting" grandma.  She was really getting at it and texting away!  Suddenly, we all heard a male voice come over the phone.  She excitedly and repeatedly said "Daddy, your boyfriend's on the phone!".  She jumped up and down on the couch and handed Kevin the phone. 
...She had called 9-1-1.  The operator on the other line asked what our emergency was and Kevin had to explain to him that our daughter was playing on an old phone that we didn't know had the ability to call in an emergecy.
Lesson learned:  ANY cell phone can be used to call for emergency help, regardless if it is registered or has a simcard - which is good to know!
I still can't stop laughing, though, that Makayla was so excited and kept telling daddy that his boyfriend was on the phone!

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